E+ guarantees that the workshop has the right skills and equipment for electric and hybrid vehicles
As electric cars increase, more and more workshops are also becoming approved electric car workshops, so-called E+ workshops. According to the criteria for E+, the workshops are approved in three different levels. So far, our customers’ workshops in Sweden are mainly approved according to level 1 & 2. But as the electric car fleet grows and vehicles get older, components will need to be replaced and repaired, which will be allowed and correct with an approved level 3. Starting in autumn 2022, we offer education within level 3, the most advanced level according to E+.
E+ in three levels
According to the criteria for E+, the workshops are approved in three different levels.
Level 1
The workshop has the right to carry out work on high-voltage vehicles. Everyone who may come into contact with an electric car in the workshop should complete this online course.
Level 2
The workshop has the right to carry out work on high-voltage vehicles and to replace high-voltage components. Our training within level 2 provides knowledge to be able to disconnect electrical systems on electric and hybrid vehicles
Level 3
The workshop has the right to carry out work on high-voltage vehicles and also to repair high-voltage components. Our training within level 3 provides knowledge to do work with the battery, e.g. a battery cell replacement.
Training to become an approved electric car workshop
Education E+ Level 1
Web course: Electrically informed person, EIP: Electric car/Hybrid Safety Handling
Prior knowledge: No requirements.
About the training: Anyone who might come into contact with a high-voltage vehicle must complete the EIP web course; mechanic, customer receptionist, salesperson, janitor, etc. After the EIP web course, you know the risks with high-voltage vehicles. You can carry out service, repair and maintenance without compromising your safety in consultation with a high voltage technician.
Time: approx. 1h. Complete the online course where you are at a time that suits you.
Education E+ Level 2
Physical course: High-voltage technician, HVT
Prior knowledge: Passed in Web course EIP (E+ level 1) a requirement before this training.
About the training: After this training you can carry out a safe disconnection of the high voltage system and know the risks in the event of a damaged vehicle. This training is required to perform work in the high voltage system.
Time: Two days of physical education.
Education E+ Level 3
Physical course: High voltage expert, HVE
Prior knowledge: Pass in Web course EIP (E+ level 1) and pass in physical course HVT (E+ level 2) is a requirement before this training.
About the training: After this training, you can carry out work in active high-voltage systems such as cell replacement.
Time: To be decided.
In some cases OE diagnosis
In some cases, OE diagnosis is required to de-energize the vehicle. Today we see 1 brand requiring OE diagnosis but may be expanded in the future. See our training courses in the Competence Portal.
ProMeister on tour through Sweden
In autumn 2021 and spring 2022, we carried out a training tour through Sweden to further train existing vehicle technicians in electric and hybrid vehicles and ensure that Sweden’s vehicle technicians get the right skills to take care of and service the cars of the future.